
  • vagner sinisa

    Can somebody help me?im living in Montenegro,my mother worked in Netherland some period years ago,now I need informacions to make her a pension…I had a contakt with Netherland embassy in Belgrade,and they gave me this adress for informacions,but I still dont know wich dokuments I need to send and to who?please,some adress or e mail-where I can get all informacion about this subject….gratefull…

  • dirk

    You mother is can ask for a state pension when she is 64 years old. the site is: succes ,dirk

  • Koliko godina je tvoja majka?

    Ako ona 64 godine mozes da pitas za informatija kod :

    Penzia dobila ona ako 65 godine.

    Znas ti tvoja malkas BSN broj (Sofinummer) ?